The Cable Lake

We encourage you to care for Cable & Wiley Lakes to help preserve pristine waters for generations. Water quality is monitored by a group of volunteers who work diligently to maintain the ecosystem so that it can be enjoyed by all. Consider supporting these efforts by becoming a Member of the Cable Lake Association, performing clean boat checks as a Public Landing Monitor,  or serving in a leadership role on the Cable Lake Board of Directors. Always, donations of any level are greatly appreciated.

Cable Lake Association
Board Members

Brian Szymanski, President
Eric Minkley, Treasurer
Susan Hunter, Secretary
Mark Hooley, Elected Member
Scott Allen, Elected Member
Collette LaRue, Elected Member
Susan Quinn, Elected Member
Jim Brakken, Elected Member

Cable Lake Association

Sue Thurn, Clean Boats/Clean Lakes, Town of Cable,

Nick Al-Moghrabi, Conservation Warden, Bayfield County,
Cell 715-559-8245, 24/7 DNR Hotline: 800-847-9367

Andrew Teal, LMPN Coordinator & Surface Water Conservation

Cable Lakes
Association Bylaws

Board of Directors
Meeting Notes

Newsletter Archive


Cable & Wiley Lake
Water Quality Monitoring

Clean Boats Clean Water Grant

Fish Population Survey

Cable Lakes
Management Report, 2006