Cable & Wiley Lakes

Welcome To Wisconsin’s Lovely Cable and Wiley Lakes
Every year nature lovers enjoy boating, fishing, and swimming alongside the lake's bounty of fish, and resident loons. We encourage you to care for the lake to maintain its pristine waters. The Cable Lake Association is a small group of dedicated volunteers whose primary mission is to preserve and maintain water purity and clarity. Join us in supporting the clean water efforts by becoming a Member.
Boat Launch
The Cable Lake Public Landing welcomes fishing and nature enthusiasts. Boaters will be greeted by public landing monitor employees who inspect boats for aquatic invasive species. In addition, a watercraft image capture system supplements in-person monitoring. Please practice clean boat protocol every time you launch to protect all lakes and rivers.
Launch Location:
Take West Cable Lake Road out of Cable, Right on Cable Lake Landing , proceed to launch. Link to location on Google Map Click here to download and print Topographical Cable and Wiley Lake Map
Landing Kiosk:
See our landing kiosk for on site information and look for the QR code to donate to the Cable Lake Association. Your donation dollars are used to keep waters pristine.
INSPECT your boat, trailer and equipment- IT’S THE LAW
REMOVE any attached aquatic plants or animals (before launching, after loading and before transporting on a public highway).
DRAIN all water from boats, motors and all equipment.
NEVER MOVE live fish away from a waterbody.
DISPOSE of unwanted bait in the trash.
BUY minnows from a Wisconsin bait dealer. Use leftover minnows only under certain conditions.
For More info WI DNRCable Lake utilizes I-LIDS Surveillance, an Internet Landing Installed Device Sensor. The camera at the landing is motion activated and records boat launches and retrievals. Any suspected violations are reported to the sheriff. The landing camera also captures the numbers and license plate details of every boat launch and boat landing at the Cable Lake landing. This information is used should violations occur.
Courtesies & State Laws:
Motorboats to operate at Slow or No Wake when approaching 100 feet from shoreline
Personal Watercraft (Jet Skis) to operate at Slow/No Wake when approaching 200 feet from shoreline.
Note Motorboat Lake Ordinance, Town of Cable No. 52-2024. No person shall operate a motorboat in any manner to enhance an elevated wake on any lake in the town of Cable. See posted signage here. The law does not prohibit water skiing or regular boating.
Operate at Slow or No Wake when approaching Loons or their nesting grounds.
Any boater that causes damages to other boats, piers, rafts, or shoreline is responsible for restoration and or recompensation.
For More Info Wi Boater Education
Fishing Regulations:
Respect the regulations to ensure good fishing exists in the future.